About-Bicycles > Bike Trails > Algonquin Road Trail

Algonquin Road Trail - Photos 3
Path Around Harper College

(click on any of the bike trail photos to enlarge)

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This is one of the lakes on the east side of Harper college (I don't know if they actually gave this lake a name... I always just call it the lake at Harper. The bike path runs between the road that goes around Harper and the lake.

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There is a nice park and a dog park (not visible in the photo but just to the right) at this point along the trail. This is just past the lake that in the photo above. Actually the path veers away from the lake a little but it really goes all the way around the lake. There is an intersection after you go up the small incline here where you can go to the left or right. I went to the right for this photo tour (to the Paul Douglas Forest preserve part of the trail) but the branch that goes to the left is where it goes around the lake.

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This is along the south side of Harper now... with Algonquin Road on the left. The path mostly heads west at this point.

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Ahead is the Harper College entrance off of Algonquin road. There is a traffic light at the entrance and you usually need to be alert, adjust your speed or stop and wait at times (especially when there is a lot of activity at Harper).

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The trail follows the sidewalk at this point just before Roselle Road which is a very busy intersection, so be careful crossing at the intersection ahead. The poles on the right are the modern looking lights that they installed at Harper some years back.

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One of the newer additions to Harper. I like that they have added on to Harper and that this is still a major two year college in our area (I have actually taken many classes here myself) but I think I would have liked them to keep the theme of the brick faced buildings so that it all tied together better.

The Algonquin Road Trail Photo Tour - From Peregrine Park in Palatine to Penny Road, South Barrington, Illinois  - October, 2006.

Algonquin Road Trail Photos 1 - From Peregrine Park, Palatine
Algonquin Road Trail Photos 2 - Peregrine Lake to Euclid
Algonquin Road Trail Photos 3 - Path Around Harper College < You are here
Algonquin Road Trail Photos 4 - Along Algonquin Road to Ela
Algonquin Road Trail Photos 5 - North of Paul Douglas Woods
Algonquin Road Trail Photos 6 - Paul Douglas Woods to Crabtree
Algonquin Road Trail Photos 7 - Algonquin Road to Barrington Road
Algonquin Road Trail Photos 8 - Barrington Road to Penny Road
Algonquin Road Trail Photos 9 - Penny Road and through Crabtree


The photo tour below is the new Paul Douglas Loop from early spring of 2009. The trail had just been completed but the grass on the shoulders of the trail had not come in yet (it looks greener and nicer now).

Paul Douglas Trail Photos 1 - Starting at Roselle and Algonquin
Paul Douglas Trail Photos 2 - To Grassy Ridge Meadow
Paul Douglas Trail Photos 3 - Grassy Ridge Meadow to Huntington
Paul Douglas Trail Photos 4 - Freeman Road north to Algonquin Rd

The Ride is the Destination