About Bicycles Online > Cycling Articles > Tour of Elk Grove

The 2012 Tour of Elk Grove - Photos 8, Team Cars Plus...

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Silhouettes of cyclists at TOEG

Back to the race as it got later in the day the cyclists were just silhouettes in some of my photos from this period. We stayed at the TOEG pretty late although we were not able to stay to the end of the last race and for the awards.

Team cars at bike race

The team cars that followed the racers were an interesting part of the whole scene too. You can tell that the riders are going fast by the way the team cars come whipping around these corners.

Team cars taking corners at Tour of Elk Grove

I was actually a little nervous standing so close to the road on these turns when the team cars came by. That looked like another mini-race itself.

Team cars and motorcycle official at TOEG

Here's the last of this batch of team cars and one of the TOEG officials on a motorcycle behind the blue car.

Team motorcycle at bike race

There are also a group of motorcycles in the Tour of Elk Grove entourage. I know that the TOEG officials ride them and I saw a cameraman on one. The one above looks like a "team cycle" since it looks like they are carrying spare wheels.

Residents watching Tour of Elk Grove bike race

I included this photo to show how the residents along the TOEG routes can just walk out their front door and catch all the action. I'm sure there is a trade off between the inconvenience and the entertainment but I think I would really like it myself. I talked to the guy above and he uses a spoon and a pan to cheer the riders as they pass. Not a bad idea!

Lead riders in TOEG towards end of day

This was the leader of this stage towards the end of the day just before we left. There were still a few laps left I believe so I can't say if the leader here actually won the stage. You'll have to check the official Tour of Elk Grove website for all the official race results. 

I have been making some minor updates to the photo captions of these pages after the fact and I saw that they had the winner of this last race posted on the TOEG website. See the home page for this article for the official Tour of Elg Grove url.


The Tour of Elk Grove, TOEG Photo Tour

The photo tour below includes photos from all 3 days along with additional first hand information on the events. We captured the action at the start/finish line as well as scenes from other race locations.

The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 1
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 2
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 3
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 4
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 5
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 6
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 7
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 8 < you are here

The photos below are from the 2013 Tour, Prologis Pro Men Road Race (Stage 2) which was held on Saturday, August 3rd, 2013.

2013 Tour of Elk Grove Photos 1
2013 Tour of Elk Grove Photos 2

The Tour of Elk Grove, TOEG Video

I also captured a few short videos of the last race on Sunday. Here's a video with a few brief scenes (73 seconds) from the 2012 Tour of Elk Grove.

Scenes from the 2012 Tour of Elk Grove Bike Trail Video

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.