About Bicycles Online > Cycling Articles > Tour of Elk Grove

The 2012 Tour of Elk Grove - Photos 5, Women's Stages

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Yellow Jersey at women's TOEG race*

I can't tell you if the yellow jersey is as significant as it is in le Tour de France but if it is then I guess the rider on the right has the overall best time so far.

Cyclists on track as seen through green fence*

This is how you see the riders through the fence and on the other side of the track. We watched some of the races on Sunday from between the east and west lanes of Elk Grove Blvd near the finish line. Elk Grove Blvd. is a divided road with a grassy median between the 2 lanes. There are specific locations where you can cross the road (to the median or to the other side) with crossing guards so you don't have people crossing the road whenever they like even if there are racers coming down the track.


Yes, she has a bike but sometimes expressions and body language tell the story.

Another lap for the womens race

This is where they are going east on Elk Grove Blvd for another lap.

The other side of the TOEG track

You can see the start/finish line to the right and on the other side of the track.

End of the TOEG women's bike race

I believe that this is the end of the women's race on Sunday with the cop car following the final cyclists.

Women's bike race is over

I wasn't sure what kind of emotion this expression meant but this race is over when this photo was taken.

White tent was our shelter from thunderstorm

I had to get a photo of this tent since this is where we took shelter from the thunderstorm on Saturday afternoon. The tent help shelter us from the rain for quite a while until the storm took over and started blowing it apart and blowing everything else around. It really was intense (which you can not tell from this peaceful scene from the next day).

Most people cleared out when the storm hit on Saturday and we took shelter here and waited for the rain to let up a little then bolted for the van (we were on our bikes). We still got soaked on the way back and even the barriers for the race were being blown around. One thing that was nice on our way back was that we were able to ride on the race route which was blocked off to traffic and there were no races going on due to the storm.

I was actually surprised to find out later that the races did continue later in the day Saturday after the storm. I might have stuck around if I knew that.


The Tour of Elk Grove, TOEG Photo Tour

The photo tour below includes photos from all 3 days along with additional first hand information on the events. We captured the action at the start/finish line as well as scenes from other race locations.

The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 1
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 2
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 3
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 4
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 5 < you are here
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 6
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 7
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 8

The photos below are from the 2013 Tour, Prologis Pro Men Road Race (Stage 2) which was held on Saturday, August 3rd, 2013.

2013 Tour of Elk Grove Photos 1
2013 Tour of Elk Grove Photos 2

The Tour of Elk Grove, TOEG Video

I also captured a few short videos of the last race on Sunday. Here's a video with a few brief scenes (73 seconds) from the 2012 Tour of Elk Grove.

Scenes from the 2012 Tour of Elk Grove Bike Trail Video

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.