About Bicycles Online > Cycling Articles > Tour of Elk Grove

The 2012 Tour of Elk Grove - Photos 3, Men's and Big Wheel Races

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TOEG cyclist with time trail equipment

Now this guy has all of the time trial equipment like you see on most of the riders in le Tour de France. Aero handlebars, back wheel and helmet, etc. The photo above is from the Friday afternoon time trials.

Tour of Elk Grove Men's Race*

The photo above is one of the Tour of Elk Grove men's races from Saturday morning. This is one of my favorite photos from the 2012 TOEG taken by my friend Dale Kiffel. I have included this photo in our 2013 Bike Events Calendar and have also used it as the logo on the home page of this website.

TOEG cyclists at bike race*

Whether it is pro or entry level, most of these cyclists are totally focused. This is another good photo of the peloton. For those of you who may not be familiar with the term, the peloton is the french word used for a pack of riders riding together (usually to reduce wind resistance). You will hear this term all the time if you watch the Tour de France or other cycling races.

Thule Bike Rack*

One of the recently used Thule racks.

Cyclist smiling in Tour of Elk Grove*

Yea, racing can be fun as well as brutal. This is one of those unusual photos where you catch one of the cyclists smiling (the guy in the center) (other then after they have just won a race!).

Police motorcycle seen through barricade*

There's a lot of Elk Grove Police support at the TOEG. If you don't follow the rules you may end up in Tour of Elk Grove jail! OK, seriously, this is a view through one many barricades used on the course.

Big Wheel Race at TOEG*

And here is the peloton at the famous Big Wheel Road Race! These guys have been training for years for events like this. :-)

Big Wheel break away riders!*

I believe that this is the "break away" riders! As I mentioned earlier there are real "entry level" races at the TOEG too!

Big Wheel girl racer at TOEG*

And here is one of the winners in the girls Big Wheel competition! Can I get an Aaaww!

The Tour of Elk Grove, TOEG Photo Tour

The photo tour below includes photos from all 3 days along with additional first hand information on the events. We captured the action at the start/finish line as well as scenes from other race locations.

The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 1
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 2
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 3 < you are here
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 4
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 5
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 6
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 7
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 8

The photos below are from the 2013 Tour, Prologis Pro Men Road Race (Stage 2) which was held on Saturday, August 3rd, 2013.

2013 Tour of Elk Grove Photos 1
2013 Tour of Elk Grove Photos 2

The Tour of Elk Grove, TOEG Video

I also captured a few short videos of the last race on Sunday. Here's a video with a few brief scenes (73 seconds) from the 2012 Tour of Elk Grove.

Scenes from the 2012 Tour of Elk Grove Bike Trail Video

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.