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2013 Tour of Elk Grove - Laurel St. and Elk Grove Blvd

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Motorcycle Copy at Tour of Elk Grove

As you wait for the racers to come by on one of the side streets  the first indication that they are about to race past is the motorcycle cops, making sure that the streets are clear, followed by the promo car and more motorcycles. 

I rode my bike to the TOEG this year, from Palatine, crossed Arlington Heights Road, from the Busse Woods Trail that I used for the last leg of my ride, and made my way here to Laurel Street for my first photos.

Motorcycles followed by TOEG racersThe photo above shows the last 2 motorcycles and the lead riders as they race down the straight stretch on Laurel St. The riders can get up a little speed here but there is a turn on the Ridge Ave just a little past where this picture was taken.

TOEG cyclists racing down Laurel Street

This photo is the lead riders followed closely by the peloton in this case. The peloton is the main group of riders that usually stick together to help with wind resistance and for other team strategies.

TOEG cyclists close-up

Here's a close up of the riders as they sped past me. I was actually only a foot or so (or maybe only inches) away from these guys which was good for photos but actually made me a little nervous. It is actually really cool that you can watch the action so close up and personal.

Tour of Elk Grove Cyclists in Distance

The scene above is from Elk Grove Blvd near the start, finish line. Elk Grove Blvd is a divided road and the TOEG races pass by on both sides (i.e. both lanes). For this photo I was on the north side of Elk Grove Blvd, where the announcer's stage and concession stands are located, and the racers were in the opposite lane (over the green divider fences).

2013 Tour of Elk Grove Start, Finish Line

This photo shows the lead riders crossing the finish line at Elk Grove Blvd. This was not the end of the race though. This was just one of the 10 laps in this particular race.

TOEG Racers at finish line

The racers here are a little more spread out and casual looking (just a relaxing Saturday afternoon ride... :-) ). If this was the last lap they would not be so casual looking.

The nice thing about having a 10 lap race is that you get a shot at the action (literally if you are taking photos) every 10 or 15 minutes or so. I was thinking how much better this is than if you were at that other little race across the pond (le Tour de France) where on most stages the riders only pass by one time.

OK, the TDF may have some nice scenery and be a little more exciting in some cases :-) but you can't beat this if you live in or around Chicago.

The Tour of Elk Grove, TOEG Photo Tour

The photo tour below includes photos from all 3 days along with additional first hand information on the events. We captured the action at the start/finish line as well as scenes from other race locations.

The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 1
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 2
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 3
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 4
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 5
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 6
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 7
The Tour of Elk Grove Photo Page 8

The photos below are from the 2013 Tour, Prologis Pro Men Road Race (Stage 2) which was held on Saturday, August 3rd, 2013.

2013 Tour of Elk Grove Photos 1 < you are here
2013 Tour of Elk Grove Photos 2

The Tour of Elk Grove, TOEG Video

I also captured a few short videos of the last race on Sunday. Here's a video with a few brief scenes (73 seconds) from the 2012 Tour of Elk Grove.

Scenes from the 2012 Tour of Elk Grove Bike Trail Video

Photos © Copyright Rob Chapman, about-bicycles.com. Photos with * Copyright Dale Kiffel.