Bents -Tour Easy, Easy Racers and Bacchetta Strada

I have a friend who has been trying to get me into a recumbent for years. I recently started to seriously consider them and have been researching them a bit. I was recommended the Tour Easy from Easy Racers.

tour_easy.jpg (25041 bytes)
© Copyright Easy Racers 2001- Photo compliments of Easy Racers.

I found that there was a dealer called Amling's in Niles Il, not too far from where I live. So one Saturday, I headed over to take a look at them. I was already shocked to find out that they go for around $2000. So I walked into the store and started talking to the sales person. They had a number of different recumbents and other very unique bicycles. They had a number of them set up on trainers and so you could sit in them and try them out. That seemed like a smart thing to do.

I kept asking questions and trying out the different recumbents when the sales person asked if I would like to go for a ride. I said, "Sure!". He was cool and said if I left my drivers license I could ride for as long as I wanted. He had to fiddle with the seat and make some adjustments. The kick stand was too long so he lopped off a chunk with some big bolt cutters. He led me out the door and off I attempted to go. Attempted is the correct word here. I had trouble getting the bike started and steering was a little squirrely at first. It actually wasn't too bad and once I got it going I was fine. The bike was cool! So was the ride. Sittin' low, a nice comfortable ride. Reasonably fast, great visibility. It was difficult to make a full turn. I practiced going around in circles in the street and bounced over the curb most of the time. In the end, I found if I leaned into the turn a bit, I could handle it a lot better. On the way back, I had a little trouble maneuvering into a parking lot and got some weeds caught in the chain. The chain fell off and I had to walk it the last 1/2 block or so. I really enjoyed this bike and could envision myself on some long rides along the Des Plaines River trail.

I brought the bike back and thought I was done. He suggested a less expensive recumbent, but I wanted to try a totally different style. I sat in a Rans V-Rex, but didn't feel comfortable. I selected a short wheel base (SWB) recumbent from Bacchetta. It was odd looking and didn't think too much of it. The pedals were in front of the front wheel! You had to sit way back and it seemed like your feet were in the air. It took awhile to get the seat adjustment right and I tried to ride it. This was definitely SWB (Short Wheel Base)  more difficult to get going. I had to use the brake to keep the bike from rolling, then get the peddle in the right spot and hit it with good force. I finally got it going and a lady in an SUV pulled right in front of me. So I stopped and tried it again. I had to run down the street like Fred Flintstone to get up enough speed. I wish I had a camcorder. I finally got it going and started tooling down the street. I was pleasantly surprised! It was awesome! The bike was very quick and agile. Like a little sports car. The seat was comfortable and the visibility was great.

I had very little trouble steering it. It was not half as squirrley as I expected. The steering mechanism goes between your legs. The handle bars fold forward so it's easy to get in the saddle. The handle bars also wrapped around my knees as they were pumping. It steered fine on regular turns, but you couldn't peddle on really tight turns or you'd hit your legs on the handle bar. The bike was so cool, I did not have a problem with it. You don't want to peddle on a really tight turn anyway. You couldn't really wear pants with conventional pockets you'd find your keys, wallet, and change all over the street. This is also not a vehicle for baggy shorts unless you like to display your package to the world. The breeze might feel good though. :-) Non bicycle lycra shorts would probably work the best. I rode it around it around the neighborhood for awhile before bringing it back. It wasn't until hours later that I realized how much and how long I had been grinning. Providing I can afford it, and it would really help if Amling’s comes up with some sort of promotion or discount similar to evans cycles promotional code, I'll definitely be giving a Bacchetta a closer look next spring.

Bacchetta (short wheel base) Giro26 Photo 

08/25/2005 anonymous  - cycling enthusiast.