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Exercise Lessens Fatigue for Cancer Patients

Cancer rates are at an all time high.  Health practitioners around the world strive to find a cure.  Treatment often ravages the body.  Emotions run wild as patients and their families confront the challenges and life changes that a cancer diagnosis brings to their doors.  Nothing can take away the pain of a cancer diagnosis, but exercise and fitness can help both the patient and their family.

In the past, exercise was viewed as something that could take energy away from the body, but more recently, experts agree that exercise can increase energy and prevent fatigue.  In addition, exercise has been proven to relieve some of the mental, emotional and physical suffering of those undergoing treatment for cancer.  Exercise can improve energy levels, ease depression, soothe pain and increase stamina.  Anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer can benefit from maintaining fitness-whether you have just been diagnosed, are undergoing treatments or are in remission.

Exercise is typically divided into two kinds-cardio and strength training.  The type of exercise that is right for you can be determined by talking with your physician and brainstorming on activities you enjoy.  Do you enjoy walking?  Is there a park near your home or treatment center where you can stroll?  Do you have aches and pains in your joints and muscles?  A mild form of strength training may relieve your discomfort.  Is the emotional stress of dealing with doctors and insurance companies dominating your thoughts?  Yoga is an excellent way to release tension from your muscles and also learn relaxation techniques.  Be sure to talk with your doctor about your exercise plan and goals.

When you start your exercise routine, begin slowly.  According to non-profit Mesothelioma Prognosis website, one should try to include both strength training and cardio into his or her routine.  Begin slowly.  Walk for a few minutes and then take a rest.  When beginning a strength training routine, start with warm up exercises to lessen your chance of injury.  

According to Mesothelioma Prognosis, about 70% of patients undergoing mesothelioma treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation, experience fatigue that does not go away with rest.  Fatigue can lead to muscles degradation and inactivity.  Exercise helps to combat fatigue and build muscle, allowing your body to feel its best during and after treatment.  

Plan your exercise around your treatment schedule.  Do your feel best in the mornings or evenings?  When are you getting your best rest?  Plan you exercise for the time of day that you are most likely to be able to perform and also at a time that does not interfere with sleep.  

Share exercise with family, friends or other folks diagnosed with cancer.  You are more likely to stay motivated if you have a buddy.  

The benefits of exercise for cancer patients reach far.  Talk with your doctor today to design a program that is appropriate for you.  

This article was contributer to about-bicycles.com by:

David Haas, Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance